Undergraduate Admission Appeal Process

The information contained below applies to First-Year and Transfer students requesting consideration to the San Diego campus only. Graduate students must contact their graduate program office directly regarding any questions related to their admission application.

SDSU is impacted at the undergraduate level in all majors and programs and as such, we are unable to accept all CSU-eligible applicants for admission. Each year there are more applicants seeking admission to SDSU than there are spaces available. The admission process is highly selective and applicants must meet criteria that are over and above the minimum established by the CSU.

The admission appeal process is only for first-year and transfer applicants who have a serious and compelling reason that occurred during the application time period, e.g. hospitalization, military service obligations or other extenuating factor(s) they wish for the appeal committee to consider. Approval of appeals are limited and subject to admission eligibility requirements and space availability in a requested program.

Reason for Appeal Submission

  • To request reconsideration of a denied admission decision.
  • To request reconsideration for a cancellation of admission application or offer.
  • To request the submission of a late admission application.
  • To request consideration as a lower-division transfer student due to extenuating circumstances.
  • To request the deferral of admission offer due to extenuating circumstances.

Submitting an Appeal

Each undergraduate applicant may only submit one (1) appeal per admission term/year for consideration. Please ensure you are following all instructions provided.

To submit an appeal, follow the steps below.

  1. Complete and submit an Undergraduate Admissions Appeal Committee (UAAC) Appeal Intake Form including the Appeal Letter section. Your appeal letter should include a clear and concise statement with your request and reason(s) for appeal submission. Your statement must be submitted in the section within the UAAC Appeal Intake Form. Separate attachments and/or emails will not be accepted in lieu of the UAAC Appeal Intake Form with all required fields completed.
  2. Review the documentation requirements below and provide the required items according to your Entry Status.
  3. Monitor your email for appeal communications, including decisions.

Please allow time for processing. It may take more than twelve (12) weeks to determine an appeal decision. If you have questions regarding the appeal process, please contact the Office of Admissions.

Documentation Required

Provide the transcripts and test scores listed under your Entry Status. Failure to provide the required transcripts and test scores will result in your appeal being withdrawn from consideration.

First-Year Students

  1. Official high school transcript issued by the high school within the last two weeks.
  2. Official college transcript(s) from all colleges that you have attended and/or are currently attending issued by the college(s) within the last two weeks, if applicable.
  3. Official AP Scores, if applicable.
  4. Official International Baccalaureate (IB), if applicable.

Lower-Division Transfer Students

  1. Official high school transcript issued by the high school within the last two weeks.
  2. Official college transcript(s) from all colleges and universities that you have attended and are currently attending, issued by the institution(s) within the last two weeks.
  3. Official AP Scores, if applicable.
  4. Official International Baccalaureate (IB), if applicable.
  5. Joint Services Transcript (JST) or DD-214, if applicable.

Upper-Division Transfer Students

  1. Official college transcript(s) from all colleges and universities that you have attended and are currently attending, issued by the institution(s) within the last two weeks.
  2. Official AP Scores, if applicable.
  3. Official International Baccalaureate (IB), if applicable.
  4. Joint Services Transcript (JST) or DD-214, if applicable.

Appeal consideration will be based on extenuating circumstance(s) that is supported by written documentation. You will receive a confirmation email from the Office of Admissions with further instructions, method of submission for the supporting documents. Please ensure the email address provided in your Appeal Intake Form is correctly listed and actively monitored.