Local Admission Area and Priority
You are in SDSU's local admissions area if you graduate from a high school in San Diego County located south of state route 56 and extending eastward to the Imperial County border line, or if you are from a high school located in Imperial County.
If you graduate from a high school in SDSU's local admissions area, then you will receive priority consideration during the admission ranking process.
University Residency Requirement
All incoming first-year students from outside SDSU’s local admissions area are required to live on campus their first and second year at the university. Non-local students who have been accepted into the Weber Honors College are required to reside in the Honors Residential Learning Community (RLC) in Zura during their first year living on campus. Local students who are in the Weber Honors College are not required to live on campus but may choose to. If they opt for on-campus housing, they are guaranteed a spot in the Honors Residential Learning Community (RLC) in Zura if they complete the Student Housing License Agreement and submit the non-refundable payment by the Intent to Enroll deadline.
SDSU local admissions area community colleges are Cuyamaca, Grossmont, Imperial Valley, San Diego City, San Diego Mesa, San Diego Miramar, and Southwestern.
If you attend a community college in SDSU's local admissions area, then you will receive priority consideration during the admission ranking process.