Freshmen Academic Success Track (FAST) for Nonlocal Students

Welcome to San Diego State University's Freshmen Academic Success Track (FAST) program! As your admission letter explained, you will begin your course work online this summer. Admitted first-year students needing additional academic support in English will be enrolled in a course through our FAST summer program based on their placement. In this program, you will receive a personalized instructional experience that will prepare you to embark upon a successful college journey.

The FAST program for nonlocal students is offered online from July 5–August 12. Please make your summer 2022 plans accordingly.

FAST Program Steps

You must fulfill the five steps below to ensure successful completion of the program.

You must have your school send official transcripts(s), which include spring 2022 grades and date of high school graduation by July 1 to ensure that your admission is finalized prior to the start of the FAST program.

Pay your summer FAST basic tuition and fees (or finalize your financial aid) by Friday, June 24, 2022. If you are not receiving financial aid, you must pay your fees online through the SDSU WebPortal using your SDSUid or RedID. The basic tuition and fees for three units is $1,218 or $1,662 for four units. Students needing academic support in mathematics will be placed in a four-unit course. Mathematics books and supplies are additional costs.

Financial Aid

Visit AidLink to check your financial aid status. If you qualify for summer financial aid, you will be able to use that aid to assist with your summer basic tuition and fees. If your summer financial aid is not enough to cover the entire amount, you must pay the remaining charges to Student Account Services on the SDSU WebPortal using your SDSUid or RedID.

You should have already applied for financial aid by completing the 2022–23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). However, to be considered for summer financial aid as a new student, you must also complete the FAFSA for 2021-2022 by June 30, 2022. Make sure you respond to all email inquiries from the SDSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and regularly check your AidLink account.

Visit the Student Financial Center for additional information.

Fee Postponement

You may be able to postpone paying your summer basic tuition and fees if you qualify for summer financial aid. Log in to AidLink and review the Payment, Postponements, and Billing Information section to see if you qualify for a fee postponement.

If you are currently a FAST student and taking courses over the summer it is recommended that you make your reservation on the New Student Orientation website for the session on Saturday, July 9. If this date is not available when registering, and you are enrolled in the FAST program, please contact New Student & Parent Programs for assistance.

For details about New Student Orientation and the concurrent Parent and Family Orientation, review Step 7 of the First-Year I Have Been Admitted web page.


After you have paid your summer basic tuition and fees (or you qualified to postpone paying these charges via financial aid), the SDSU Office of the Registrar will automatically register you for the FAST class, which will be:

  • Rhetoric and Writing 105A (RWS 105A) - designed to strengthen your written communication skills and provide additional academic support

Review Your Class Schedule

You may view your schedule online by logging in to your SDSU WebPortal account and select My Registration.

Based on your placement in English, the Office of the Registrar will enroll you in the appropriate course. The following course option is available for FAST participants within the non-local service area:

  • RWS 105A - Rhetoric of Written Argument Stretch I (3 units)
    1. Enroll in a fully online asynchronous course

The session is from July 5–August 12, 2022.

Get Your Computer Ready

By taking care of the steps listed below ahead of time, everything will be in place by the first day of class and you will be ready to move forward with your class. Note: You will need your SDSUid. If you haven't done so already, follow the instructions on the Activate Your SDSUid web page using your RedID, which was listed on your admission email notification.

  1. Download necessary software:

    Microsoft Word—If you don't already own Microsoft Word, you can download Microsoft Office 365 for free by logging in with your SDSUid on the Access to Services web page.

  2. Become familiar with Zoom

    Zoom is an easy-to-use web conferencing tool that works with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Linux, allowing users to connect via video, audio, and/or screen sharing remotely from any location. Watch the Zoom tutorial, and then check your computer system to see if it's ready to run Zoom.

  3. Become familiar with Canvas

    SDSU online courses are offered via SDSU's learning management system, Canvas.

    Canvas requires an SDSUid for log in. The login page is You should be able to access Canvas within four hours of receiving your SDSUid or email address. Activate Your SDSUid to obtain your SDSU email account.

    Course information may not be available on Canvas until a week before the session start date. You will receive an email announcement from your instructor(s) with specific course(s) details and instructions for ordering your books online.

    For more information about Canvas, review the list of frequently asked questions on the Canvas for Students web page. Alternatively, Canvas provides 24/7 support if you have any questions or need additional information. You can access this support when you are logged into Canvas.

  4. Set up and test speakers, headphones or earbuds.

    You will use one of these audio devices to listen to your professor and/or tutor. You do not need a device with a microphone that enables you to speak. You will communicate with the professor, tutor and/or other students by using chat and typing your questions and/or feedback.


Don't wait until the first day of class to purchase books. Specific information about the books you need and instructions for how to order books will be provided through Canvas. Your books may be purchased online through the SDSU Bookstore's Ship to Home service. Select SDSU-Summer 2022 to find the booklist for the FAST course. FAST online participants receive free shipping for the textbooks used for this program. Enter the coupon code "2022" in the coupon/comments box on the payment processing website. If you have any questions about your order, you can contact the SDSU Bookstore online ordering department at (866) 388-7378.

Disability Services

If you had an IEP or 504 plan in high school, you are encouraged to continue using accommodations in college. Admitted SDSU students who require reasonable accommodations to take part in the FAST program at San Diego State University (on-campus or online) should provide disability documentation to the Student Disability Services (SDS) as soon as possible. The Medical Verification and the Application for Services forms can be downloaded from the SDS website. Completed documents may be submitted by regular mail or by fax to (619) 594-4315.

How to Succeed

  • Attend and participate live in the Collaborate Classroom (as directed by your instructor).
  • Read the syllabus closely for instructions specific to your course. Note: that there are requirements for online attendance that are listed on your syllabus. Plan your summer accordingly.
  • Take advantage of the live online sessions in your course each week. You are strongly encouraged to attend these sessions to succeed. Attendance in some of the live sessions will be required. Review your syllabus for details.

Important Dates


Register for New Student Orientation

Register early, not all majors are represented on each day.

Pay Your FAST Basic Tuition and Fees

Finalize your financial aid in order to attend the SDSU FAST program.

Final High School Transcripts Due

Official transcript(s) must include spring 2022 grades and date of high school graduation.

Class Begins

Review step five for details.

Attend New Student Orientation

You are encouraged to register for this date since it is reserved especially for FAST participants.

Frequently Asked Questions

All California resident first-year students admitted to San Diego State University who have been placed in a written communication course with additional academic support will need to enroll in the Freshmen Academic Success Track (FAST) program in summer 2022 prior to enrollment in fall 2022. FAST is offered from July 5–August 12; please make your summer 2022 plans accordingly.

You will be enrolled in your class based on your English placement. The course will be completely online and held from July 5–August 12, 2022. You will receive a personalized instructional experience and will be much better prepared for academic success at SDSU.

If you qualify for summer financial aid, you will be able to use that aid to assist with summer basic tuition and fees. Apply now for summer financial aid by completing the 2022–23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). However, to be considered for summer financial aid as a new student, you must also complete the FAFSA for 2021-2022 by June 30, 2022. In addition, you must respond to all email inquiries from the SDSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and visit AidLink to check your financial aid status.

In late May, after you have submitted the Intent to Enroll deposit, you will receive an email from the SDSU Office of Admissions instructing you to access your payment information in the SDSU WebPortal using your SDSUid or RedID. You must pay your summer basic tuition and fees by June 24 in order to attend the SDSU FAST program.

The estimated basic tuition and fees for three units is $1,218 or $1,662 for four units (based on 2022). The mathematics courses will consist of four units. If your summer financial aid is not enough to cover the entire amount of your basic tuition and fees, you must pay the remaining charges to Student Account Services in the SDSU WebPortal using your SDSUid or RedID. Be prepared to purchase books and supplies using your own funds.

You may be able to postpone paying your summer basic tuition and fees if you qualify for summer financial aid. Log in to AidLink and review the Payment, Postponements, and Billing Information section to see if you qualify for a fee postponement.

After you've paid your summer basic tuition and fees (or you have qualified to postpone paying these charges by completing the financial aid online summer counseling session), the SDSU Office of the Registrar will automatically register you for the FAST course. You will receive an email from SDSU confirming your enrollment.

Yes. If you are currently a FAST student and taking courses over the summer it is recommended that you make your reservation on the New Student Orientation website for the session on Saturday, July 9. If this date is not available when registering, and you are enrolled in the FAST program, please contact New Student & Parent Programs for assistance. For details about New Student Orientation and the concurrent Parent and Family Orientation, review Step 7 of the First-Year I Have Been Admitted web page.

Be sure to review the online Steps to Enroll to help you prepare for your academic career at SDSU.