First-Year Fall Steps to Enroll
Fall 2025 Admission
Congratulations on your offer of admission to San Diego State University! Out of the thousands of applications we received this year, you were selected! Embrace this moment and be proud of yourself. You have worked hard to get here and we are so excited to welcome you to the SDSU family!
Accept your offer of admission and reserve your place for fall 2025 by completing the Steps to Enroll listed below.
Submit all of the following items to the Office of Admissions. If all of the items are not received or postmarked by the date listed, it will be assumed that you do not plan to attend SDSU and your offer of admission will be canceled.
Due May 1, 2025
Due One Week Prior to Your Orientation Date
(and no later than July 15)
Due May 1, 2025
- Accept Your Offer of Admission and Submit Your Nonrefundable Deposit in my.SDSU
Accept your offer of admission and pay your nonrefundable $400 deposit in my.SDSU. This deposit will apply toward your fall basic tuition and fees. Use the Finalize Your Enrollment Guide to learn how to accept your offer of admission and pay your nonrefundable deposit in my.SDSU.
- Official Transcripts
- High School Transcript(s) including fall 2024 grades: You must submit transcripts from all high schools attended.
- College Transcripts: If you have college transcripts to submit, please note that SDSU will accept only electronic transcripts from the schools listed on the Transcripts web page. Be sure to indicate this preference when making your request. If your college does not send electronic transcripts, then they can mail the official transcript to the address listed on the Transcripts web page.
- Review the information on how to submit and check the status of your transcripts on the Transcripts web page.
- Official Test Scores (if applicable)
Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), SAT, and/or ACT exam test scores taken prior to your senior year in high school. SAT and/or ACT test scores will only be used for course placement.- Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Score Reports
- May 1, 2025 is the submission deadline for AP exams taken prior to your senior year in high school.
- July 15, 2025 is the submission deadline for AP exams taken during your senior year of high school.
- Advanced Placement exam score reports and passing scores are required in order to obtain college credit for AP high school courses.
- Submit electronic score reports to SDSU. You can contact the AP Grade Reporting Service to obtain your AP test scores if your exam scores were taken within the last four years.
AP Services
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
(888) 225-5427
College Board
SDSU code: 4682
- Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and/or the American College Testing Program (ACT)
- Submit electronic test scores for all exams you have taken (if not listed on your high school transcript).
- SAT and/or ACT scores can be used for placement in English and mathematics.
- If you did not indicate SDSU as a destination for your scores when you took your test(s), you must contact the testing agency to request the electronic scores be sent to SDSU.
The College Board SAT Program
P.O. Box 8057
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
College Board
CSU code: 3594ACT Records
P.O. Box 451
Iowa City, IA 52243-0451
ACT Test
SDSU code: 0398
- Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Score Reports
- Submit Your Student Housing License Agreement
More information is available in Step 3: Submit Your Student Housing License Agreement.
Due One Week Prior to Your Orientation Date and No Later than July 15
- Final Official Transcripts
- Review the information on how to submit and check the status of your transcripts on the Transcripts web page.
- High School Transcript(s): Your school needs to send final official transcripts, which include spring 2025 grades/credits and date of graduation. All courses you listed on your application as in progress or planned in your senior year must be completed with grades of C- or higher. You must also maintain your reported overall grade point average. If your grade point average and/or current course grades drop, or if there is a discrepancy in what you reported on your application compared to your transcript(s), your offer of admission may be withdrawn.
- College Transcripts: Transcripts from all colleges you attended while in high school, including any spring 2025 coursework (if applicable) must be submitted. Please note that SDSU will accept only electronic transcripts from the schools listed on the Transcripts web page. Be sure to indicate this preference when making your request. For colleges that do not supply electronic transcripts, then they can mail the official transcript to the address listed on the Transcripts web page.
- Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Score Reports (if applicable)
- July 15, 2025 is the submission deadline for AP exams taken during your senior year of high school.
- Advanced Placement exam score reports and passing scores are required in order to obtain college credit for AP high school courses.
- Submit electronic score reports to SDSU. You can contact the AP Grade Reporting Service to obtain your AP test scores if your exam scores were taken within the last four years.
AP Services
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
(888) 225-5427
College Board
SDSU code: 4682
- Official International Baccalaureate (IB) Test Scores (if applicable)
- All International Baccalaureate exam score reports and passing scores are required in order to obtain college credit for the IB exam.
- Send results for senior year IB courses by July 15, 2025. To place a request contact:
Americas Global Centre
7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 200 West
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 202-3000
International Baccalaureate
It's time to decide how you and your family will finance your SDSU education. If you haven't done so already, submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) as soon as possible and no later than April 2, 2025. List SDSU's federal school code (001151) on your FAFSA. SDSU will begin receiving application data electronically late January 2025. Once your application is received, you will receive an email from the SDSU Financial Aid Office.
Visit my.SDSU and select my.SDSU Login. Enter your SDSUid and password, and select Sign In to log in to my.SDSU. If you have questions or problems with your SDSUid, please visit the SDSUid Help page. Additionally, please reach out to the library technology center if you are experiencing difficulties with your account.
Be sure to regularly log in to my.SDSU to check the status of your application and respond to requests for additional information needed. All outstanding documents or requests for additional information will be listed on your Tasks list.
Be sure you activate your SDSUid account. You will not be able to access your financial aid information without an SDSUid.
Know What to Expect
Attaining a higher education degree is likely one of the most important investments you will make and we want you to understand what your costs at San Diego State University will be so that you can make informed decisions as you and your family prepare for the next step in your education. You and your family should begin carefully budgeting and planning now. Don't wait until you start school! Student and parent loans are available, however, federal regulations limit the annual amount of student loans, and parent loans require a credit check.
Scholarships are available in the Aztec Scholarships portal during the application period, which will be open March 11, 2025 for awards in the 2025-26 academic year. Families should make financial arrangements to pay for university expenses in full, as scholarships are not guaranteed. Apply on the application portal, Aztec Scholarships during the application period.
Types of Expenses
The expenses are broken down into three different categories because how you are notified about the expenses and pay for them differs.
- Tuition Expenses: these expenses are CSU Basic Tuition and Fees and SDSU campus fees. SDSU does not bill students for these fees. They must be paid after registering for courses each term. Visit the University Bursar's website for more information.
- Living Expenses: these expenses include housing and food. Housing and meal plan fees are billed to students in four installments each semester. Billings will appear in my.SDSU on the student Financial Account tile at the beginning of the fall term for the academic year. Review the Housing and Residential Education's Rates and Payments web page for more information about housing fees and SDSU Dining's Meal Plan web page for meal plan information.
- Additional Expenses: these expenses are an estimate of how much you can expect to pay for transportation, books and supplies, and miscellaneous and personal costs. These expenses are not paid to an SDSU office. They are meant to provide you with an estimate of what you may spend for these goods and services during enrollment.
Determine Your Yearly Expenses
For the most up-to-date costs, review the Estimated Cost of Attendance web page and calculate your yearly expenses.
- Apply for Financial Aid: Complete the FAFSA as soon as possible and no later than April 2, 2025 to be considered for all types of federal aid: grants, student and parent loans, and work study. Be sure to include SDSU (School Code 001151) on your list of schools so that we receive your information. You will use my.SDSU to check your financial aid status. Review the Cal Coast Student Financial Center website for additional information.
- Apply for Scholarships: After completing your Intent to Enroll and activating your SDSUid, log in to the Aztec Scholarships portal, during the application period, which opens March 10, 2025 for awards in the 2025-26 academic year. Once admitted, complete your Intent to Enroll and activate your SDSUid, and then you may log in to Aztec Scholarships during the application period.
Learn more about applying for financial aid by visiting the Financial Aid Office website.
Admitted first-year students from outside SDSU's local admission area are required to live on campus for two years. If applicable, apply for on-campus housing on the Housing Portal, and submit and e-sign your completed license agreement and nonrefundable $375 initial payment by May 1, 2025. The Student Housing License Agreement will be available early March 2025.
Incoming first-year students who are not required to live on campus, but would like to, are encouraged to complete the Housing Interest List on the Housing Portal early March 2025. On-campus housing for local students is not guaranteed, and will be offered upon availability on a first-come, first-served basis.
Review the Apply web page on the Housing and Residential Education website for more information.
After you submit your Intent to Enroll, you will receive information about your official SDSU Gmail email account, which is the campus standard for communication and collaboration. Future official communication from the university will be delivered to your official SDSU Gmail account after your Intent to Enroll is submitted. Learn more about the student official email address use policy in the University Senate Policy File.
Your Google Workspace
Learn more about your new Google Workspace and your access using Duo Multi-Factor Authentication to enhance security.
Monitor Your Admission Status & Keep Your Contact Information Updated
Visit my.SDSU and select my.SDSU Login. Enter your SDSUid and password, and select Sign In to log in to my.SDSU.
- Use the Admissions tile to check the status of your admission.
- Use the Tasks tile to review any checklist items (To Do's) you need to complete.
- Use the Profile tile to review and update your contact information, if needed.
It is important that you fulfill prerequisite courses for mathematics and chemistry prior to your first semester at SDSU in order to stay on track to graduate in four years. Some majors at SDSU (including most science and engineering majors) recommend taking Chem 200 (General Chemistry) or Chem 202 (General Chemistry for Engineers), and/or Math 124 (Calculus for the Life Sciences) or Math 150 (Calculus I) during your first semester at SDSU. Some majors (for example, biology) also recommend taking a math course in the spring semester of your first year. You must satisfy prerequisites prior to enrolling in these courses, which may be fulfilled with Advanced Placement (AP) credit or college credit that was earned while in high school. If you do not have AP or college credit for the prerequisite courses, then you will need to take the applicable placement exam(s), which we recommend taking as soon as possible and no later than June 1 to ensure appropriate placement in your fall 2025 courses.
Review the Math Placement Information for New First Year Students to determine your first year mathematics class and how you can meet prerequisites. Review the Online Chemistry Placement Assessment web page to determine if you have earned college credit for chemistry. In some instances, you may not be required to take the chemistry and/or mathematics placement exam(s) if you have already received academic course credit. For questions regarding your AP credit, contact the Office of the Registrar.
In case of an emergency, having accurate contact information ensures that the right people can be notified promptly. Use the Tasks tile to access and enter your emergency contact information in my.SDSU. This will be available in March 2025 and must be completed by May 16, 2025.
All first-year students are placed in a student success pathway. The completion of the Student Success Pathway Preference Form helps determine your pathway, which includes your learning community, pre-enrolled courses, and your assigned Coordinated Care Advisor.
- Students who will be living on campus in the 2025-26 academic year should complete the Residential Success Pathway Preference Form (available April 2025).
- Students who will be living off campus in the 2025-26 academic year should complete the Commuter Success Pathway Preference Form (available April 2025).
This form must be completed by May 16, 2025.
Immunization Requirements
All students must meet specific immunization requirements.
Immunizations – Due Prior to July 15, 2025
Provide proof of your immunizations and complete your Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment prior to July 15, 2025. Review the Immunization Requirements web page ahead of time to review the requirements that apply to you and begin working with your healthcare professional to ensure you have completed all of the required immunizations. Make sure you have acceptable proof of completed immunizations available for submission. Acceptable proof includes records from your high school, private healthcare provider, local health department, or campus health center. Log in to the HealtheConnect portal and upload your proof of immunizations.
Health Care Insurance
Medical care is an important part of taking care of one's own health and well-being. SDSU Student Health Services (SHS) is a vital program, but it does not cover medical emergencies, after-hours care, a full range of medical specialists, hospital facilities or other medical services provided outside of SHS. In addition, access to SHS does not meet the government mandate for health insurance. Therefore, it is recommended that students arrange with their health plan to have a local primary care physician.
While the University does not provide accident or health insurance coverage to students, we do have services available to assist students with obtaining or utilizing health care. Students can meet with a staff member in the Well-being & Health Promotion department to learn more about their health insurance and to find local providers who accept their insurance, students can also be connected with an enrollment specialist if they are looking to obtain health insurance or to better understand their options. To make an appointment, call (619) 594-4133 or find out more on the Well-being & Health Promotion website.
New Student Orientation (NSO) for first-year students is offered in July. There are several orientation programs to choose from; not all majors are represented on each orientation date. We advise you to not make any travel arrangements until after you've registered for NSO. You can make your reservation online in May 2025. An email will be sent to you with additional information.
During orientation you will register for fall 2025 classes. You will not be able to register for classes until you have submitted all required transcripts and cleared any registration holds. Incoming students with questions about fall registration, academic advising, and orientation should contact the Office of New Student and Parent Programs at [email protected].
Specific details about New Student Orientation will be available on the Office of New Student and Parent Programs website. For more information, email the Office of New Student and Parent Programs at [email protected].
Things to do before attending New Student Orientation:
- If you haven't done so already, request and submit final official transcripts be sent to SDSU from all high schools and colleges attended.
- Visit the How do I get my SDSUcard? website and follow the steps to obtain your SDSUcard. This is REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS.
Information about your basic tuition and fees will be available to you on the University Bursar's Office website.
For your specific payment deadline to pay your basic tuition and fees, log into your my.SDSU and select the Financial Account tile.
For students using a 529 plan, ePayment options are available.
Learn how to accept your offer of admission and pay your nonrefundable deposit in my.SDSU.
Finalize Your Enrollment GuideKeep your grades up!
If you misreported grades for any required courses, your offer of admission may be withdrawn. In addition, you must maintain your overall GPA as reported on the application, and courses taken in your senior year must be completed with grades of C- or higher by the end of the spring 2025 term. If your GPA drops or you earn a D or F during your senior year in any course, any offer of admission may be withdrawn.
Explore SDSU Admitted Student Day
Disability Services
Student Disability Services (SDS) at San Diego State University authorizes and provides a variety of services and accommodations, which are determined on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with an SDS counselor. Their goal is to remove barriers to accessibility so that all students have an equal opportunity to be successful in college. If you will be applying for services from SDS, you are encouraged to apply as early as possible to assure that accommodations are in place by the time you begin your academic journey.