CSU Transfer Success Pathway (TSP) Program

Transfer Success Pathway (TSP) is a program that provides a dual admission opportunity for eligible first-time, first-year students enrolling in California community colleges who commit to transferring to a California State University (CSU) within three years.

As guided by the Governor's Council for Post-Secondary Education Recovery with Equity report and the Postsecondary Education Trailer Bill (AB 132), the CSU Transfer Success Pathway program will help improve the student transfer experience while addressing potential equity issues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, issues with academic preparation, and other challenges facing high school students.

Student Eligibility

To be eligible, you need to be a graduating high school student from the class of 2024 who faced academic, financial, or personal hardships that prevented you from attending the CSU and plans to enroll at a California community college.

Beginning August 1, 2024, eligible students can apply to the program in order to:

  • Enter into an agreement with a CSU and receive guaranteed admission to the degree program and campus of your choice (if all requirements are met).
  • Map out your coursework using the Transfer Planner to ensure you're on track for your degree.
  • Review the list of program offerings for each of the CSU campuses.

As part of the agreement, you must complete either an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) or an established course of transfer at a California community college within three years, and meet the minimum transfer requirements.

Additional information on the CSU Transfer Success Pathway program is available on the CSU Transfer Success Pathway website.

Program Application Timeline

Apply Between August 1 and September 30, 2024

To join the program, you will need to enroll using the Transfer Planner between August 1 and September 30, 2024.

Open TSP Programs at SDSU

Program GPA Minimum
Africana Studies 2.4
American Indian Studies 2.4
Anthropology 2.4
Art - Art History 2.4
Asian Studies 2.4
Business Administration - Accounting 2.9
*3.5 Nonlocal
Chemistry with a B.A. Degree 2.4
Chemistry, B.A. - American Chemical Society 2.4
Chemistry, B.S. - American Chemical Society 2.4
Chemistry - Biochemistry 2.4
Chemistry - Single Subject Teaching 2.4
Chicana and Chicano Studies 2.4
Child Development 2.4
Comparative International Studies 2.0
Construction Engineering 2.7
Construction Management 2.5
Economics 2.4
Economics - International Economics 2.4
Economics - Public Policy 2.4
Economics - Quantitative Analysis 2.4
English - Applied Arts (AA-T Only) 2.4
English - Liberal Arts 2.4
English - Single Subject Teaching 2.4
Environmental Sciences 2.4
Foods and Nutrition 2.9
Geography - General Geography 2.4
Geological Sciences 2.4
Health Communication 2.75
History 2.4
Hospitality and Tourism Management - Hotel Operations and Management 2.7
Hospitality and Tourism Management - Meetings and Events Operations and Management 2.7
Hospitality and Tourism Management - Restaurant Operations and Management 2.7
Hospitality and Tourism Management - Tribal Gaming Operations and Management 2.7
International Business - Arabic and Middle East & North Africa 2.9
International Business - Chinese and Asia 2.9
International Business - English and North America 2.9
International Business - French and North America 2.9
International Business - French and Western Europe 2.9
International Business - German and Western Europe 2.9
International Business - Italian and Western Europe 2.9
International Business - Japanese and Asia 2.9
International Business - Korean and Asia 2.9
International Business - Portuguese and Latin America 2.9
International Business - Portuguese and Western Europe 2.9
International Business - Russian and Central Europe 2.9
International Business - Spanish and Latin America 2.9
International Business - Spanish and Western Europe 2.9
International Security and Conflict Resolution - Justice in the Global System 2.4
Islamic and Arabic Studies 2.4
Journalism 3.0
Journalism - Advertising 3.0
Journalism - Media Studies 3.0
Journalism - Public Relations 3.0
Latin American Studies 2.4
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Plus (LGBTQ+) Studies 2.4
Linguistics 2.4
Mathematics - Single Subject Teaching 2.4
Modern Jewish Studies 2.0
Philosophy 2.4
Physics - B.A. 2.4
Physics - General B.S. 2.4
Physics - Modern Optics 2.4
Political Science 2.4
*3.0 Nonlocal
Public Administration 2.4
Public Health 2.9
Recreation Administration - Outdoor Resource Management 2.4
Recreation Administration - Recreation Systems Management 2.4
Recreation Administration - Sustainable Tourism Management 2.4
Religious Studies 2.4
Rhetoric and Writing Studies 2.4
Social Science 2.4
Sociology 2.5
Spanish 2.4
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences 2.75
Sustainability 2.4
Women's Studies 2.4


  • Graduated high school in 2024 or before and has not earned any college grades beyond the end of summer immediately following high school graduation or who has not earned any college credit.
  • First-time first-year students that were not CSU eligible at the time of high school graduation or
  • First-time first-year students who did not attend a CSU due to personal or financial reasons
  • CSU redirect first-year students who opted not to enroll at a CSU campus

Students are able to view available TSP agreements by campus and enroll in a TSP agreement through the Transfer Planner.

Students are able to submit a TSP agreement during the enrollment period of August 1 - September 30, 2024.

Students must meet the requirements of the agreement, meet the minimum transfer requirements, and transfer within three years to the CSU campus that was selected on the Transfer Planner. The agreement will include a list of specific courses that must be taken at your California community college and the cumulative GPA that you must earn in order to be eligible to transfer to SDSU.

TSP agreements are available for select academic programs at SDSU. Determine which academic programs are accepting TSP agreements by reviewing the list in the Transfer Planner.

Please send an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to help you.